Some of us do stand-up. Some of us don't.
Sometimes we make podcasts. Sometimes we don't.


Mike DiGuglielmo
Stand-up Comedian, Podcaster
A founding member of Loose Cannon Comedy, Mike DiGuglielmo dabbles in stand-up, podcasting and other dumb web content. Making good on a New Year’s resolution, Mike has been performing stand-up in and around Pittsburgh since 2014.
On top of producing and hosting the long-running “Obey House Comedy Hour (and a Half)” stand-up show at the Obey House Tavern, Mike has performed at various non-dive-bar venues, including Arcade Comedy Theater and the Pittsburgh Improv.
It’s okay if you mispronounce his last name. Most people do.

Anne Casper
Stand-up Comedian
Anne Casper is a documentary filmmaker and Pittsburgh-based comedian performing at different dive bars and venues throughout Pennsylvania.
Her comedy has been described as dry, personal and mentally ill.

John Gleason
John Gleason is a founding member of Loose Cannon Comedy.

Adam Prevade
Stand-up Comedian, Podcaster
Adam Prevade is a comedian and co-founder of Loose Cannon Comedy who gave up his dreams of performing to work in an office and have a kid.
He’s been seen all over Pittsburgh and one time performed at a brewery in South Carolina while wearing shorts.

Jon Malenock
Jon Malenock is a founding member of Loose Cannon Comedy.

Jonathan DeCarlo
Jonathan DeCarlo is a founding member of Loose Cannon Comedy.